The Ultimate Guide to Project Management Dashboards

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In the fast-paced world of project management, keeping track of every detail and ensuring smooth progress can be a challenging task. That’s where project dashboards come in. A project dashboard acts as a control center, providing project managers with a bird’s eye view of the project’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and allowing them to monitor, track, and analyze progress in real time. This comprehensive guide will demystify project dashboards, highlight their importance, and show you how to create effective dashboards that can revolutionize the way you manage projects.

What is a Project Dashboard?

At its core, a project dashboard is a data-driven and interactive tool that provides a visual representation of a project’s KPIs. It serves as a centralized location where project managers can monitor, track, and analyze project progress and performance. A well-designed project dashboard translates raw data into easily digestible visuals, allowing project managers to quickly identify patterns, track progress, and spot potential issues before they become major roadblocks.

Why are Project Dashboards Important?

Project dashboards play a crucial role in effective project management. They offer a real-time overview of the project, enabling project managers to stay updated on its status, progress, and potential bottlenecks. The visual representation of data on a dashboard facilitates data-driven decision-making, improves communication and collaboration among team members, saves time by automating data gathering and display, and allows for easy monitoring of KPIs and proactive risk management.

Workload Project Management Dashboard 

It’s very important for project managers to know which team member is working on how many tasks along with the priority of tasks that’s performed by each team member at any given time so as to delegate equal workload to each team member available inside the team

Even though you can find a very similar dashboard in our productiveteam tool, but I understand there are a number of project managers that are looking for a bit more flexible, easy to use yet free system that could be used to manager there team’s workload so we have build a customisable project management dashboard using google sheets that could be used by anyone.

Employee Workload Project Management Dashboard

PM Dashboard To Keep Budget In Check

At the end of the day everything comes down to money, so I have created this google sheet dashboard for all the project managers so they can track and share with there team the money they can spend, how much money has been spent and how much is left.

Budget Project management dashboard

Gantt chart

Gantt charts provide a very simplified form of showcasing all the tasks that needs to be completed in a particular timeframe, which helps project managers and team to understand how each project would be segregated and completed in small parts with a strict deadline. I have build Gantt chart in google sheet for my fellow Project managers that can be referred below

Gantt chart PM Dashboard

Video Project Management Dashboard

A video project management dashboard has become essential for video production, so we have built a new free to use google sheet dashboard for those interested in tracking each step of the process.

This dashboard allows you to list each step of video production, from writing the script to distributing the video. It also helps in tracking the budget of each video and helps in checking progress for each clients video production, ensuring each client satisfaction.

Finally, we have made sure that none of your video productions get stuck. With just one click, you can see any video stalled in one of the production steps.

So what are you waiting for else of spending money on video production tools? Click on the Google Sheet link below to get this video production dashboard for free.

Video Production Management Dashboard Template

What to Include in Your Project Dashboard

To create an effective project dashboard, it’s important to include key elements that provide a comprehensive overview of the project. These elements include:

Project Timeline

The project timeline is a crucial element of a project dashboard as it displays the start dates, end dates, and progress of various project tasks. It allows project managers to track whether the project is running on schedule or if adjustments need to be made.

KPIs and Milestones

Key performance indicators (KPIs) help project managers gauge the health of the project and track its progress. Milestones, on the other hand, highlight significant achievements and show how far the project has come and how far it still needs to go.

Task Progress and Status

Tracking the progress and status of tasks is essential for project managers to prioritize and focus on critical tasks. This element of the project dashboard provides visibility into completed tasks, tasks in progress, and pending tasks.

Team Member Responsibilities

Clearly defining and communicating team member responsibilities is crucial for effective project management. Including this element in the project dashboard ensures that everyone knows their roles and tasks are evenly distributed, minimizing the chances of tasks falling through the cracks.

Access to Communication Tools

Providing quick access to communication and collaboration tools within the project dashboard fosters effective team synergy and increases productivity. It allows team members to seamlessly communicate, share updates, and collaborate on tasks.

Budget and Cost Tracking

Tracking the budget and costs of a project in real time is essential for financial control and ensuring the project stays within budget. This element of the project dashboard provides visibility into the project’s financial health and helps project managers make informed decisions. These details are very important for e-commerce sites so make sure you look at KPI’s that actually matter. 


Including a documentation section in the project dashboard provides quick access to project-related resources, such as project plans, guidelines, and reference materials. It ensures that all necessary information is readily available to team members.

Benefits of Using a Project Dashboard

Using a project dashboard offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance project management. These benefits include:

Improved Visibility

A project dashboard provides a real-time, high-level view of the project, allowing project managers to quickly assess its overall status, progress, and performance.

Better Decision Making

By transforming raw data into visual insights, project dashboards enable data-driven decision-making, facilitating more informed and effective choices.

Increased Efficiency

Project dashboards automate manual project tracking, data gathering, and reporting, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. This allows project managers to focus on more strategic tasks.

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

Shared project dashboards improve transparency and clarity of roles, fostering a collaborative work environment. They ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Proactive Risk Management

By providing real-time visibility into potential risks, project dashboards enable project managers to identify and mitigate risks early, keeping the project on track and within scope.

Types of Project Dashboards

There are various types of project dashboards, each serving a unique purpose. Some of the most common types include:

Project Status Dashboards

Project status dashboards provide an overview of the overall project, tracking key parameters such as task completion, time spent, budget, and more. They offer a quick snapshot of the project’s current status and are useful for stakeholder meetings and team check-ins.

Executive Dashboards

Executive dashboards provide a high-level view of the project, focusing on strategic milestones, high-level KPIs, and overall project health. They are designed for high-level stakeholders who need a broad understanding of the project’s progress without diving into detailed information.

Team Dashboards

Team dashboards focus on the tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities of individual team members. They provide visibility into pending tasks, task progress, and upcoming deadlines, enhancing team collaboration and productivity.

Risk Management Dashboards

Risk management dashboards focus on identifying, tracking, and managing potential risks. They provide a clear overview of current and potential risks, allowing project managers to take proactive measures to mitigate them.

Portfolio Dashboards

Portfolio dashboards provide an overview of multiple projects within a portfolio. They show how each project is performing and how they relate to each other, allowing project managers to balance resources, timelines, and priorities across multiple projects.

Top Project Dashboard Software

There are several project dashboard software options available, each offering unique features and functionalities. Here are the top five project dashboard software choices for 2023:


Productiveteam is a new but a powerful project management software that not only provides a great Management dashboard where management can keep track of there team productivity while keeping a track of each client, there work progress and invoices as well. It also provide a dynamic yet easy to use employee dashboard which can be useful for any of the employee whether they are freelancers or an enterprise employee as they can easily communicate in the same platform and even video call using it’s integration with jitsu from 8*8.

Nimbus Platform

Nimbus Platform is a powerful project management software that turns documents into dynamic dashboards. It offers a fully customizable command center view of projects, allowing project managers to embed key data from various third-party tools and have a comprehensive overview of every aspect of the project.


Monday is an all-in-one project management software that offers highly customizable project dashboards. It allows project managers to track tasks, manage resource allocation, and collaborate with the team, all within the same platform. With built-in automation capabilities, Monday saves time on repetitive tasks and streamlines project management processes.


ClickUp is a versatile project management software that offers customizable project dashboards and a wide range of features, including task management, time tracking, and goal setting. It provides a comprehensive overview of projects and allows project managers to drill down into the details when needed.


BaseCamp is a user-friendly project management software that focuses on team collaboration and communication. It offers features like message boards, to-do lists, and shared documents, keeping all project information in one place and ensuring team alignment.


Asana is an intuitive project management software that allows users to create custom dashboards to track tasks, timelines, and team workload. It offers a wide range of integrations and features to streamline project management processes.

Examples of Project Dashboards

Here are some examples of project dashboards to illustrate how different teams and industries use dashboards to streamline their work:

Project Task Tracker

The Project Task Tracker dashboard template provides a comprehensive to-do list for project tasks. It displays tasks, responsible team members, and due dates, allowing project managers to stay organized and track task completion percentage in real time.

Project Life Cycle Dashboard

The Project Life Cycle Dashboard provides an overview of the project’s various stages and milestones. It helps project managers track progress, identify bottlenecks, and ensure the project stays on track.

Risk Management Dashboard

The Risk Management Dashboard allows project managers to identify, track, and mitigate potential risks. It provides an overview of current and potential risks, helping project managers take proactive measures to address them.

Portfolio Dashboard

The Portfolio Dashboard offers a high-level view of multiple projects within a portfolio. It allows project managers to balance resources, timelines, and priorities across different projects, ensuring optimal project management.


Project dashboards are powerful tools that can significantly enhance project management. They provide real-time visibility, facilitate data-driven decision-making, improve communication and collaboration, save time, and enable proactive risk management. By including key elements such as project timelines, KPIs, task progress, and team member responsibilities, project managers can create effective dashboards that provide a comprehensive overview of the project. Choosing the right project dashboard software, such as Nimbus Platform, Monday, ClickUp, BaseCamp, or Asana, is crucial for creating and maintaining successful project dashboards. So, embrace the power of project dashboards and take your project management to new heights!

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